Thursday, June 23, 2011


Finally, the scale has budged enough and consistently to report here that I'm down five pounds. I'm not sure having a specific goal weight in mind for a specific date is really the best course for me. I want to handle it surely and wisely, not do anything dramatic. And the course I've been taking is changing my body in the positive ways I was hoping for.

My 30th reunion is one month from today. Losing 25 pounds by then is not something I actually want to do at this point (well, I'd like it, but not at any price I'd have to pay).

My goal now is to stay on course to look and feel as good as I can by then. That's totally doable.

40 pounds lighter than top weight (1994ish)
5 pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of this blog
10 pounds lighter than I was on my wedding day
25 pounds heavier than I was when I graduated high school (and 1996-1997ish)
*I'll think I'll be pretty happy when I get back to this weight if I'm also physically fit
45 pounds heavier than I was when I started college (my lowest weight as an adult)
*This was nice, but I'm not sure I want my life to be this focused on weight stuff

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