Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain, Rain, Rain and More Rain

I got home about 10 minutes ago from my run, just in time to beat a major wind and huge, dark, threatening clouds. For more than a week we have had rain, rain, and more rain. I'm afraid I've let it get in my way. Rain and, at the risk of TMI, cramps. Today, though, I exerted a great deal of mental power over my body and chose to run rather than take a nap this afternoon.

I can report that I have been running my full 3.5 mile goal the last couple of times I've been out, including today. But I can't report that I've been out 6 days a week like I planned. I also decided not to weigh myself on Friday because, well, it was that time of the month. A week ago Friday, I weighed myself and found I'd lost barely one pound despite a solid week of running and walking.

So, the 5k is now five days away. I feel completely confident that I can run the entire 5k, but I wish I was running a bit faster. Who knows? I might surprise myself if I can keep up my training schedule this week.

Sometimes setting goals ends up being counterproductive for me. As soon as I decided it was possible to lose 30 pounds by my 30th reunion everything seemed to conspire against me, including my very own self. But I'm determined to find my way on this.

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